Tuesday, January 15, 2019

💕Emily 💕

When Emily asked if I could write a song about her, I thought to myself, where do I even begin? I decided to keep it simple. So, this song, and even this post, are the over-simplified version of my perspective of what an amazing sister I have.

Emily is the most kind, compassionate, beautiful, elegant sister anyone could ever ask for. When we were younger we used to talk about what best friends we would be when we grew up. Being seven years apart, we couldn't really do the same activities together or hang out together much. However, when we were together, we got along very well. 

I remember telling Emily all of the things I was going through when I was about 13 or 14 and she was 6 or 7. When I vented to her, she would start playing with her hair and would get this deep-in-thought expression. She wouldn't say anything for a long time, but her beautiful brown eyes held so much thought until she would finally answer. She always gave me the most wise advice and I remember feeling so surprised by how much wisdom her little body held. 
As she grew, she was blessed with much beauty and grace. She was loved by everyone, especially the boys, in her High School for good reason :) She never allowed this to get to her head. She was always kind to those around her, even those that were unkind to her. She became a target by jealous people for being thin and beautiful, but she never allowed it to get the best of her. She would come home crying about how someone called her anorexic and told her to eat more. She never understood why people would say such mean things.. She would never do that to anyone. I don't think I have ever seen her be mean or jealous towards anyone herself. In fact, if ever she overheard gossip, she would either leave the room or tell everyone to stop gossiping.
She was a Ballerina and had a real talent in dance. She has worked very hard in her life to obtain her education and start her massage therapy business. She still currently runs her business owner with her husband and is the Mother of two beautiful children.
Now that we are "grown up", we are wonderful friends, as we have always been. It is sad that we live so far away from each other, but many people don't even get to experience this kind of beautiful sisterhood I share with her, so I always try to remember that.

Here's the song and lyrics/chords!