Monday, May 6, 2019

Rainbow World

I have been working on some new projects that have been taking up my extra time. However, I have been working on some songs as a group with my guitar class. We seriously have the best time together. Katie is due at the end of June to have a baby boy, And I am going down to Panama in June, so we are all taking a little break. However, we will most likely continue to get together for our guitar buddies. I was a little bit sad because it was our last lesson tonight.

 We came up with two songs within only a few weeks together. Larry wrote the lyrics to this song, Rainbow World. We all had fun singing and playing along. It has a very hippie vibe. I’m sure it is not everybody’s cup of tea, but we had so much fun, and isn’t that what making music is all about? I can't think of another place where there is so much laughter and good vibes than when we all get together for class and make up songs together.

This is by no means a polished recording of the song, but you get the general idea.. I'll pay the other fun shopping we did. The other one isn't hippy, but it is somewhat fun and groovy about a girl and a guy on the beach 😄.

Somehow we decided to give our group a name and settled on, "Simple Fools" 😜😂