Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Baby Tree

James watering one of "the babies."

This summer we bought the house we were renting from our landlords. There are so many things we want to do to it to make the place "ours," but we are going to have to take it little by little. We decided that if we want to plant trees, that should be one of the first things we should do because it can take a while for them to mature.

I wanted to plant them in a row lining our driveway and Clark has always loved dogwood trees, so we planted 5 dogwoods and they became known as "the babies." We gave them all of the good stuff and made sure to water them a ton.

When we left for Texas, Clark set up a hose system that ended up not working on one of the trees. When we got back, the leaves were dried and it was dying. We ended up having to replace the tree and it was sad, but luckily it didn't seem like there was much of a root system anyway.

Fast forward a few months, we were given the assignment to create a song with these chords:

Am, F, C, G

I wasn't sure what to write my song about, but when I thought about the trees and wondered if they were getting enough water from the rain outside, I decided that is what I would write about. It was a fun project! There were various parts in it that definitely could be applied to other parts of my life, which made the song a little deeper than singing about a tree :D.

I decided to find a rain sound and add a rice shaker to the song too. The rice shaker was a little hard to use, I may end up wanting to get an actual maraca if I end up wanting that sound a lot in the future.

Here's the song!

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