Monday, October 15, 2018


So many songs have been written about dreams. I think a lot of people are curious about them like I am. I have had all kinds of dreams. Some of them have actually warned me about things, some have seemed purely for entertainment, and some of them I am not sure which category they fall under.

A lot of times my dreams will be somewhat related to whatever the last thing I thought about before I go to bed. I have had dreams that were so terrible and when I wake up I am so thankful that it was just a dream and I have also had the opposite - dreams so wonderful that waking up was a bit of a bummer. My life is beautiful and I am thankful for it, but I have had times where I wish I could hang out in a good dream I had been having a little bit longer..


Verses (2x's each chord)
C, E major, A minor (1x), F

Chorus (2x's each chord)
Am, F, G

I was a little confused at how to switch from the verses to the chorus, but it ended up being a little more doable than I thought. My teacher suggested this time I come up with the melody before the lyrics. I had already come up with one verse (which interestingly ended up being the very last verse of the finished song).

When I was humming around, trying to find a melody, I imagined some lady singing at a outdoor party on a warm night in San Diego with her ukelele. I thought, what would a song like that sound like?

I'm not sure if I accomplished it or not, but it's what the song reminds me of since that's what I was picturing when I was trying to come up with it.

The first time I recorded it a few days ago, I was playing down in the basement and James stomped across the floor upstairs right at the very end of the song. I decided to re-record this afternoon, but it just didn't have same feel at the end without little James' stomping across the floor! 😄 So, I decided to clip that part from the other recording and paste it on at the end. I feel like it adds to how random dreams can be, and then you get slammed shut out of the dream and there isn't going back the way James slams the door at the very end. At least for me, I hardly ever have a repeat dream. They're always different every night.

Here's the song!


Feel that breeze
Go through the trees (end up)

Waves, crash and flow
How can you know (end low) 6

What your dreams are made of
Maybe things you’re afraid of  
Or the people you want to      
love you


Stop the track
Let me turn back,
To that Eden please

Where do they come from
Push comes to shove

are they sent from above?
Are they things from our head
Are they things that you’ve always wanted?

Beepity bops 1 progression per chord here...


Stop the track
Let me turn back,
To that Eden please

Dreams, are funny things
What do they mean
What would you say?


  1. Who is playing the guitar? I do recognize the beautiful voice.
