Thursday, November 29, 2018

Stars Align✨✨

Hello! I know it's been a month... We skipped a couple of weeks for guitar class for different reasons and then my mom was in town and before that I caught a cold that took my voice away. So there's my excuse :)

I struggled with this piece a lot! Our teacher had us work together as classmates to blend different chords together and build off of each other's songs. I thought I had something after working with Katie, and then one of my classmates, Paul, was playing something that he made up on guitar and I became obsessed with it and had to have it in my song too. It took me a while to blend his part in with what I had. There was this one part that I also struggled to blend in, and it sort of sounds like a bridge the way it all came together, so I was happy about that. I had made that particular sequence up a few months ago and loved the way it sounded like something you'd hear in a 007 movie. So, it was cool I could kind of squeeze it in there too, because it had a cool sound to it I think. 

There were quite a few different chords in this song... After I figured it all out, I lost my voice, so it was difficult to come up with a melody line. Then it started to come back a little and I was able to kind of "ba ba ba" something out. I didn't know what to write about, so I looked out the window and decided to just talk about the snow and general life concepts. 

The actual recording isn't perfect, but I decided to just upload it anyway. I put the babies down for their nap and tried to record, but then James popped out of bed and wouldn't go back to sleep.. So I had a few interruptions from him and also a few phone calls in between. I finally decided it was better to just upload it and not worry about it anymore because I have a new assignment I have to work on and if I didn't record it today, it probably wouldn't ever happen. 

Here's the video of me and then the chords to the song. 

Stars Align ✨✨

Snow floats softly from the tree tops (end low)
Much like sparkles from the sky…. (end high)

Oh, what’s this
A Butterfly!

Wonders happen in their timing
Not when you want them most

Was a storm out my window
Now the view’s magical

Stars cross the sky
So well when they fly

Biding, biding time
Soon, good things will align

Wonders happen in their timing
Not when you want them most

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